What's coming up?

On this page, you can find our suggestions for annual events such as Easter, Christmas and Halloween with a gardening spin.

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Halloween - 31 October

Feeling Spooky? Head down to your local garden centre to get your decorations sorted, and while you're at it, check out our tips for the late autumn! Taking the kids out pumpkin picking, or harvesting your own pumpkin patch can be a perfect way to celebrate spooky season. 💀

Autumn Tips
Flower shop

Bonfire Night - 05 November

Explosions of bright colours, much like a spring bloom, make your display of colours by visiting your closest garden centre and building a flower array to behold. If you want to celebrate this Bonfire Night in a different way then embracing the joys of gardening can certainly provide all the eye-popping colours you need to put on a show of your own. 🎇

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Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday - 11/13 November

A time to reflect on the sacrifice of so many people for our freedom. Poppies are the traditional symbol of remembrance on this most solemn day. Poppies flourished in the brutally churned up soil of World War One and became a regular sight for soldiers of the time. Other colours of Poppy are used to symbolise other facets such as a purple Poppy for animals lost in conflict, but the infamous red Poppy is the most iconic of all of them. 🥀

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Winter Solstice - 21 December

The shortest day of the year. In gardening, winter is the time for protection from the cold, and nursing your plants through the brutal weather. Head over to our seasonal tips page to find out what you should be doing at this time of year. 🥶

Winter Gardening Tips

Christmas - 24/25/26 December

Over this festive period, a perfect gift to get a garden lover is the National Garden Gift Voucher. It can be used in over 1400 stores which can be easily found by using the store locator tool on this website. While not many stores will be open over the next few days, this is a great opportunity to get your orders in for the new year. Happy holidays! 🎅

Buy Now!
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New Year's Eve - 31 December

Prepare yourself for 2023! How's this year been for you? Well, it's time for a fresh start, and time to look ahead to spring with your garden. Now is a great time to get started doing some spring cleaning in your garden, so that you can start the year in the right way. For our expert seasonal tips, visit our inspiration page below and make the most of your garden this winter.

Winter Gardening Tips