Your Garden In March
For me, March is the month of daffodils –gorgeous splashes of golden yellow along roadsides, on roundabouts, in parks and in gardens. The best time for planting the bulbs of Narcissus in all its forms, if the autumn, but although it is obviously too late for that now, if you want to introduce some of your own golden glory to your garden straight away, you can get small pots of daffodils and other Narcissus in garden centres now – they can be used as ‘decorations’ for the garden just as they come or you can carefully plant them out into the garden. You can do just the same with ready-growing pots of tulips and other spring bulbs – it is a perfect way to catch up on lost time!
Gardening gifts are always great to receive and with spring definitely in the air, whatever the occasion, why not create a small planter of spring gorgeousness to give to a friend, relative or neighbour? What you choose is up to you, but how about a selection of potted bulbs (perhaps miniature daffodils or crocus), some spring interest bedding such as primulas or polyanthus and perhaps a hellebore or two? The choice is extensive and the pleasure in making or receiving a pot-of spring time is huge. Go on, exercise your creative flair and get planting!
It is also a good time to plant a tree or shrub which will give pleasure for years to come too– you could go for classic spring blossom from a flowering crab-apple or cherry or simply choose a favourite tree or shrubs which will put on a great display later in the year.
The choice is yours, but whatever you look at, don’t forget that before you fall wildly in love with it, you do need to check out what it needs and just how big it will grow. Plant labels and header-boards (and also the garden centre staff) are a great source of information if you’ve not done your research before you left home –Happy Planting!
Content By:
Pippa Greenwood